A Premium Rate Number, sometimes abbreviated as PRN, is a phone number which usually incurs a higher caller cost than a regular landline or fixed number.
We welcome anybody who can generate traffic (calls) to premium numbers to sign up. We welcome all customers from any country to become our partners. If you have any other inquiry regarding Domestic or International Premium Rate Numbers or other service please contact us.
A PRN is normally accessible within the country where it is registered. An IPRN can usually be accessed from outside of the country where it is registered.
They can either terminate on our IVR to an existing service, a sound file you provide, or our IVR technicians can design a bespoke service for you. We can also VOIP them without charge to your IVR. Alternatively, we can route calls to PSTNs; this service carries a nominal routing fee.
DID mean Direct Inward Dialing, also called Direct Dial-In in Europe, is the same as C-Number.
You will usually be ready to start generating revenue within 1 day of set-up.
The national phone code for a country (for example, +44 for UK).
Different countries have different levels of access to solutions. We aim to address every need so we are continually offering new terminations and striking deals with international transit carriers to improve access to our solutions.
Sure. A lot of our clients primarily use our services and other companies, but after working with us for few weeks, we find that trust is established and clients then prefer dealing with us.
Yes. We provide every client with an individual online portal showing all numbers allocated to them, historical statistics, real time and live statistics showing every call that we can see.
Weekly payments are based on following cycles:
01 - 07 production time, payment on day 08
08 - 15 production time, payment on day 16
16 - 22 production time, payment on day 23
23 - EOM production time, payment on day 01 of following month.
This means on the 8th, 16th, 23rd and 1st of every month is payday.
We transfer money through bank wire transfer. This typically takes 3 - 5 working days to any bank in the world.
If we identify the usage of hacked PBXs, fraudulent SIM cards, etc, we will immediately freeze payments due and inform the relevant authorities. Unlike other businesses, if we receive any information regarding any indication of payment issues, we will forward all correspondence directly to you the client. The only occasion we will not pay is if we have not been paid.
Payout levels are based on volumes as follows:
Standard: 0 - 500,000 minutes per month on ALL WEEKLY terminations together
Silver: 500,000 - 1,000,000 minutes per month on ALL WEEKLY terminations together
Gold: 1,000,000 - 1,500,000 minutes per month on ALL WEEKLY terminations together
Platinum: over 1,500,000 minutes per month on ALL WEEKLY terminations together
Your payouts can increase rapidly with interesting volumes!
We certainly are. We appreciate that your business runs 24/7 so we aim to be as available and give you the best service via email, skype call or phone call.